Zukunftsort Berlin SÜDWEST
- Regionalmanagement Berlin SÜDWEST, Schloßstraße 48, Gutshaus Steglitz, 12165 Berlin
- 300 hectares
- 5,000 companies
- 32,000 employees
- 13 scientific institutions
- 33,000 students

Berlin SÜDWEST Regionalmanagement Berlin SÜDWEST, Schloßstraße 48, Gutshaus Steglitz, 12165 Berlin

Active branches:
- IT & Automation
- Medicine & Healthcare Management
- Microsystems & Materials
The German Oxford
Berlin SOUTHWEST has been a traditional research location for over 100 years. Today, the “German Oxford” is one of the four largest scientific locations in Germany. Many startups, especially in the fields of biotechnology and life sciences, have developed from the many prestigious institutions based here – such as the Free University of Berlin, the Charité University Medicine Campus Benjamin Franklin, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing and the HZB Helmholtz Centre Berlin for Materials and Energy. After the building work has been completed, the FUBIC university business and innovation centre will provide start-ups and established companies with a place for synergies, communication and growth on an area of 50,000 sqm.
The development plan for Berlin SÜDWEST focuses primarily on providing these startups with a home close to where they were originally established, in other words, close to the institutions that created them. A new technology and business incubator (FUBIC) will help make this a reality for some 80 companies, while also providing an adjoining small technology park in close proximity to the campus of the University of Berlin.
- Medicine & Healthcare Management
- IT & Automation
- Microsystems & Materials
Scientific institutions
- Freie Universität Berlin
- Campus Benjamin Franklin (Charité)
- Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
- Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung
- Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Genetik
- Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
- Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
- Julius-Kühn-Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Companies (selection)
- Berlin Heart GmbH
- Knauer Wissenschaftlicher Gerätebau
- Knick Elektronischer Gerätebau
- Televic GSP
- IMD Institut für Medizinische Diagnostik GmbH
- Auto Tissue Berlin GmbH
Business incubators
A concentration of science-based startups at FUBIC (Business and Innovation Center next to the Free University of Berlin) in Fabeckstr., with approximately 11,000 sqm of useable space. Immediately adjacent to the Gründerhaus at the Free University of Berlin with its center for “Profound Innovation,” which provides information services to those seeking to establish their own startups.
In addition to the startup center, suitable technology companies (healthcare industry, ICT, medical technology, biotech) will be located on the FUBIC site. On March 1, 2022, the real estate company “DRIVEN Investment GmbH” was to the first anchor tenant to sign a leasehold contract with a term of more than 65 years at the location. DRIVEN Investment is planning the so-called “FUHUB”, a research, laboratory, office building, on the “FUBIC” site, in which both biological as well as chemical laboratories can be located. A total of approx. 6,300 square meters of rental space will be created, which will offer space for numerous technology-oriented startups, young companies but also already established high-tech companies, especially in the life sciences, healthcare industry and informati0n and communication technologies sectors.
- Goerzallee e. V.
- Marketingverein Berlin Südwest e.V.
In southwestern Berlin with easy access to the airport, train stations, motorway and downtown. Highly urban:
- Accommodations
- Recreation (forests, lakes, parks)
- Shopping on one of the largest shopping streets in Germany (Schloßstr.)
- A wide variety of jobs in industry, services, academics and trades
- Large nearby commercial areas (Goerzallee, Haynauer Straße, Hegauer Weg)
Social Media
Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf von Berlin
Economic Development
Martin-Buber-Straße 2
14163 Berlin
+49 30 90299-5257
Economic Development Agency Steglitz-Zehlendorf (in German)
Impressions and media: Berlin SÜDWEST
BLC-Berlin - Zukunftsort Berlin SÜDWEST
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