Zukunftsort Berlin-Buch
- Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH, Robert-Roessel-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin
- 6,500 employees
- 160
- 4 scientific institutions
- 76 sqm

Berlin-Buch Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH, Robert-Roessel-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin

Active branches:
- Life science & Biotechnology
- Medicine & Healthcare Management
Green Health City – for the future of medicine
Berlin-Buch is an internationally renowned science, medicine and technology location in the northeast of Berlin. Around 6,500 people work here in the health industry. At its heart is the 32-hectare Berlin-Buch Campus, which houses excellent research institutes in the fields of molecular medicine and pharmacology as well as clinical research – and one of the largest biotech parks in Germany. With its clear focus on biomedicine and interdisciplinary cooperation, the campus has outstanding potential for innovation and growth. This profile is completed by the clinics on site.
Starting in 2023, the BerlinBioCube in the BiotechPark Berlin-Buch will offer an additional 8,000 square meters of laboratory and office space and attractive services for start-ups in the life sciences.
- Medicine & Healthcare
- Life Sciences & Biotechnology
Campus Berlin-Buch
Excellence in science and research
- International campus with around 3,000 employees from 60 nations, including 1,200 scientists
- Unique combination of basic research in molecular medicine and molecular pharmacology with patient-oriented research
- The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) is one of the top life science research institutions worldwide. The internationally renowned Leibniz Research Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) is the only non-university institution in Germany working in pharmaceuticals research
- Close cooperation on site with clinics, university outpatient departments of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), training of natural scientists and physicians in translational medicine
- Hightech platforms for genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, ultra-high-field MRIs, advanced light microscopy, Kryo-EM, NMR spectroscopy, and a screening unit for drug discovery including medicinal chemistry
Innovations in biotechnology and medical technology
- BiotechPark Berlin-Buch with Innovation and Start-up center
- 75 companies with about 850 employees
Areas of focus:
- molecular biological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- development of new drug therapies
- drug delivery systems
- service for the pharmaceuticals industry, research, and biotechnology
- medical technology
- outstanding potential for cooperation with research and hospitals
- Access to professional events, industry and service networks and the above-mentioned high-tech platforms
- comprehensive services for start-ups and companies moving to Berlin
- 39,000 m² of industry-specific laboratory and office space (laboratories up to security level 3) including the new startup center BerlinBioCube
- immediately available space at attractive rental conditions
- Expansion areas for businesses: 9 hectares
- Companies (selection): iST Innuscreen, Celares, Congen, Eckert & Ziegler, emp Biotech, Glycotope, Invitek Molecular, Silence Therapeutics, T-knife, Cambrium
- Glass laboratory academy (continuing education)
Campus life: Work and relax in green surroundings
- Short distances and close interaction with the life science community
- Park with guiding concept of a Green Health Campus
- Campus-wide health management, gym
- Cafeteria, barista café, food trucks
- Day care center, holiday care in the school laboratory
- Free campus bikes
Hospital Campus
Clinical expertise
- Three hospitals with more than 60 departments for maximum and specialised healthcare offer a total of approximately 1,200 beds: Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Evangelical Lung Clinic Berlin, Immanuel Hospital Berlin (specialists in rheumatology)
- Numerous certified center
- Approx. 220,000 patients per year (both inpatient and outpatient)
- Akademie der Gesundheit Berlin/Brandenburg e. V., a training center for the health professions (initial training, continuing education, and degree courses)
Location management
Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH (CBB) develops and operates Campus Berlin-Buch. It coordinates with research, hospitals, business, administration, politics, and the public in and around the campus. Together with Berlin Partner, the Berlin Senate, the district of Pankow, and other regional stakeholders, CBB is committed to attracting innovative biotech and medical technology companies and developing Berlin-Buch into an attractive Green Health City.
Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Dr. Christina Quensel,
Dr. Ulrich Scheller
+49 30 9489-2511
Impressions and media: Berlin-Buch
BLC Berlin - Zukunftsort Berlin-Buch
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