From Target to Market – The GLA Biotech & Pharma Summer School

The 4-day intensive course provides a comprehensive overview of the entire drug development process in biotechnology and in the pharmaceutical industry – from the idea until to market.

The trainer team consists of experts from medicine, pharmaceutical industry, biotech companies, contract research and consulting organizations etc.

Since the course modules illustrate the drug development step by step, attendees will become familiar during lectures and workshops with the complete process and will learn what the pharma industry and authorities is like. Due to the compact, complete and competent course in a familiar atmosphere you will be able to

  • apply the lecture contents during interactive and case-related exercises within small learning groups coached by the trainers
  • get a deep insight into the process of drug development and build up contacts to industry experts
  • discuss your questions with the Trainers
  • Course Language: English

    Attendees receive at the beginning of the course comprehensive paper documentation. The binders include print-outs of all presentation slides and working sheets as used during the workshop sessions. All paper documents, links to further information and literature will also be made available electronically through a course sharepoint.

    The qualification will be held from Wednesday, 2 Sept 2020 till Saturday, 5 Sept 2020, daily from 9:00 a.m. till 06.00 p.m. plus evening lectures and events.

    The course is limited to a maximum of 20 participants and will only take place with a minimum of 6 attendees. Due to organizational reasons, an early registration is recommended.

    Target Audience:
    The course is directed to staff (Natural scientists, PhD students and postdocs of natural scientific and medical degree programs) working in fundamental research, biotechnology or in researching pharma companies having no or little experience in drug development.

    Learning Goals:
    After course completion, attendees will have a basic understanding of the entire drug development process in the pharmaceutical industry and in biotechnology. Thus, based on their individual background, they should be able to identify potential occupational fields in the industry and authorities dealing with drug development and drug approvals.

    The participation of the course will be certified by the German Life Science Association VBIO “Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin” and the Gläsernes Labor Akademie (GLA).
    Course fees: 1.957,55 € per participant incl. VAT, course binders and catering according to program as attached. Attendees of academical institutions pay 1.564,85 € incl. VAT.
    Assosciations being member of the VBIO as well as private registrees will get a fee reduction of about 10 %.
    According to local law (§ 11 Berliner Bildungsurlaubsgesetzes BiUrlG) educational leave applies.

    Click here for registration: From Target to Market – The GLA Biotech & Pharma Summer School

    Further Information:
    Dr. Uwe Lohmeier, Head GLA

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